Title: Family Medicine Resident Physician
Professional Summary: I believe that continuity of care inevitably yields a more robust physician-patient relationship that promotes improved decision-making and outcomes regardless the adversities faced. The goal should be to provide the best possible options given the patient’s current circumstances and life philosophy. Areas of special interest include rural and wilderness medicine.
Personal Summary: Chris Link has joined the residency program from Napavine, WA. As part of the Rural Underserved Opportunities Program working in Centralia, WA Chris’s work focused on continuing fitness and exercise in assisted living and retirement communities. Outside of medicine Chris enjoys being outdoors, photography, motorcycles and spending time with his “rambunctious and wildly-entertaining nephews”.
Societies and Positions Held: American Academy of Family Physicians, Idaho Academy of Family Physicians
Contact Information
Address:1919 Lincoln Way, Suite 315
Coeur d’Alene ID 83814
Phone:(208) 625-6000
Fax:(208) 625-6001
School:University of Washington School of Medicine WWAMI-Pullman