Electives are selected based on the residents educational interests and needs. Two interesting opportunities include;
International Medicine
In partnership with Mano A Mano residents may complete a two week international elective in Bolivia, South America. Since 1996 Mano A Mano has developed 145 health clinics and centers with services supporting 608,000 inhabitants of 50 municipalities…with 60 percent of the population living in poverty and 80% is a rural area this is an incredible opportunity for physicians to continue their training in international medicine while providing exceptional medical care to an underserved community.
Wilderness Medicine
An elective block includes the opportunity to learn and experience the details of Wilderness Medicine, including spending time in wilderness settings. Choices include winter experience with the Schweitzer Mountain Ski Patrol, backcountry skiing, river rafting, and backcountry hiking into regional federally designated Wilderness Areas. The clinical goals and objectives are derived from the teaching sets developed by The Wilderness Medical Society and each participating resident is able to share experience and knowledge gained by means of a presentation to the entire residency during a Focused Teaching Day Conference. Our resident participants find this option a fantastic opportunity for deeper learning.