Title: Family Medicine Resident Physician
Professional Summary: I truly believe that family medicine provides the most vital care a patient can receive. Working in family medicine allows me to form a partnership with patients and their families to find the best, personalized pathway towards maintaining and improving health. I first became interested in primary care during medical school at University of Kansas where I had the opportunity to work with patients from all walks of life. Many of my patients had numerous barriers to care, including travel distance, financial difficulties, and living situations. I challenge myself to provide the best care possible despite these barriers and to treat each patient as an individual. Medical care has become very complex, and I view it as an honor to serve as an advocate and guide for my patients throughout the process.
Personal Summary: I am originally from Kansas City, KS. I went to Rockhurst University for undergrad and then to University of Kansas School of Medicine. I chose to come to Coeur d’Alene for residency because the compassion and dedication of all the faculty, residents, and staff stood out to me. The emphasis on patient care as well as resident education is both strong and in balance here. In my free time, I like to stay active by running, mountain biking, and exploring the outdoors- something made easy in North Idaho. Early in residency, I adopted two kittens and they have been keeping me very busy with all their antics!
Societies and Positions Held: American Academy of Family Physicians, Idaho Academy of Family Physicians
Contact Information
Address:1919 Lincoln Way, Suite 315
Coeur d’Alene ID 83814
Phone:(208) 625-6000
Fax:(208) 625-6001
School:University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita